Cailleach boy i & Cailleach boy ii

Fabric, clay, nannys headscarves, steel, wire, plastic wrap, bells, insect repellent netting, carved wood, false eyelashes, sticks, crochet wool, woven fabric, thread, sticks

Images courtesy of EVA International


Sculptural works that referenced Irish mythological figures, religious iconography and rural queer experience, which were situated within the congregational spaces of St. Mary’s Cathedral.

The Gleaners Society

Curated by Sebastian Cichocki, the Guest Programme of the 40th EVA International took its thematic basis on the idea and practice of gleaning – a term that traditionally refers to the act of collecting leftover crops following a harvest. The Gleaners Society extended this reference in a multiple of ways, alternately serving as an artistic subject, a political metaphor, and a curatorial methodology to explore and propose art’s relationship to society. Featuring over 45 presentations by Irish and international artists and collectives, The Gleaners Society unfolded across a set of uniquely diverse venues in Limerick city (civic arts institutions, a primary school, a Cathedral, and a vegetarian cafe, among others).